Help and processing instructions
Registered users can use bulk upload functionality to load new LEI or renewal requests from Office Open XML files (.xlsx).
Excel templates: New LEI , Renewal

User registration

The first step is to register a new user in the LEI service of bulk uploads. The interested entity should send an email to the customer service department of the Colegio de Registradores at

The following information must be provided in the mail:

Subject: Request for registration in the LEI service of bulk uploads.

  • Person who performs the management and who will be authenticated in the service:
    o Name and surname
    o Type and tax identification number. The type will contain the types of document: DNI, NIF, Passport..

  • Entity to which it belongs and under whose responsibility it acts:
    o Corporate name
    o Address: address (Street, number, number within building...), city, province/region and post code
    o Email address
    o Phone
    o Mobile phone

Once the request for registration in the service has been validated, the user and password will be sent to the applicant. The username will be communicated in the reply to the email of the request itself and the password by sending an SMS to the mobile phone informed.

Bulk upload of requests
You can go to the bulk upload page clicking the following button. You will be prompted for username and password.