You can use the LEI Web portal to request and manage your LEI code.

What is LEI?

The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a global and unique code based on the ISO 17442 international standard that is used to identify legal entities that are parties to financial transactions and to comply with the reporting requirements in the financial markets.

What is the purpose of the LEI?

In accordance with the European regulation, the LEI code must be used to identify the contracting parties to financial market transactions worldwide and make it easier for regulators to recognize possible systemic risks at an early stage. The ultimate aim is to better manage financial risks.

For more information about the LEI System: Frequently Asked Questions.

GLEIF data formats (LEI-CDF, RR-CDF, and Reporting Exceptions) have been updated to conform to the latest ROC policies. Find details here.

GLEIF Accredited

The Public Corporation of Land and Business Registrars of Spain (CORPME) is accredited by the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) as an authorised Local Operating Unit (LOU) for the allocation of Legal Entity Identifiers (LEI). CORPME issues LEIs to legal entities using the requirements set by GLEIF and the agreed principles outlined by the LEI Regulatory Oversight Committee (LEI ROC).