All the requested LEI codes, depending on the processing moment, will have one of the following status:
• PENDING_VALIDATION: A LEI request has been submitted and is being processed and validated
• ISSUED: A unique LEI code has been issued to the applicant entity
• DUPLICATE: A LEI record determined to be a duplicate record for the same legal entity as another LEI record. The DUPLICATE status is assigned to the non-surviving record
• LAPSED: A LEI record that has not been renewed and has exceeded any allowed renewal period
• MERGED: A LEI record for an entity that has been merged into another legal entity such that the legal entity with the LEI code no longer exists as an operating entity
• RETIRED: A LEI record for an entity that has ceased its operations, without having been merged into another entity
• ANULLED: A LEI record that was marked as erroneous or invalid after it was issued
• CANCELLED: A LEI record that was abandoned before issuing the LEI code
• TRANSFERRED: A LEI record that has been transferred to a LOU different from the managing LOU
• PENDING_TRANSFER: A relationship data report for which a transfer to another LOU has been requested. The request is being processed at the sending LOU. When the receiving LOU is ready, the status will be changed to PENDING_ARCHIVAL by the sending LOU prior to completion of the transfer.
• PENDING_ARCHIVAL: This relationship data report is about to be transferred to a different LOU, after which its registration status will revert to a non-pending status. The PENDING_ARCHIVAL status serves to inform recipients of LOU-provided data files that a relationship record will be removed from that LOU’s published file after the transfer is complete.